Black Arches and the Peanut Butter Prison: Chapter Two  

Posted by SamuelMarston

By Jayson Ehm

Falling from an undisclosed altitude somewhere above Asia, the Black Arches crew (minus Dan who had obviously won his chess match and would rejoin the group on his terms) were staggered in their descent.

David was out in front, gesturing wildly in the direction of Jayson. With the sound of the wind, no body could really speak to one another, but everyone knew what David was telling Jayson, as Jayson had been the one to push David out of the plane. It seemed as though Jayson would've been remorseful, but it looked like he was too busy wondering about terminal velocity equaling mg/b with linear drag of course.

Nick could tell what Jayson was thinking and corrected him telepathically that they were experiencing quadratic drag. Jayson was miffed.

Aaron was head banging to what one could only assume was a song in his head and although the words couldn't be heard, anyone around him who could see his lips knew he was yelling "yeeeaaahhhh!"

Landing on the mountainous region of Asia, Black Arches were very close to the Peanut Butter Prison, as the smell of fresh and not-so-fresh peanut butter wafted ubiquitously everywhere within a mile radius.

"I'm getting really hungry," said David with a slight smirk, making sure to keep everyone's spirits up.

"I remember that convicts escaped from the prison, but I forgot why were actually going there. Were we supposed to catch the convicts and bring them back, or were we going to take their place and eat ourselves a scrumptious get-away?" asked Jayson, as he just liked to do things without completely knowing why.

"All I know is that I heard Peanut Butter Prison and I wanted to somehow be part of the experience" chimed Aaron, as he promptly started making his way in the direction he knew to be the way.

As Black Arches slowly made their way up and down the terrain, deftly dispatching a few marauding murders who were likely some of the convicts that had escaped, they noticed scattered bread slices and crust.

"We must be getting close" Nick alarmed the crew as they had been eating the ground-bread like animals walking into a delicious trap.

"Hmmffffaarggg." What no one knew, was that this was a remarkably witty comment by Jayson, but true his form, his mouth was full and the joke was once again all his own.

Nick, Aaron, and David starred blankly at Jayson tearing up from laughter and quickly turned to discuss more serious matters at hand.

"I'll go check over the pinnacle to see if we're upon the Peanut Butter Prison. The smell is stifling now and I can only think about Peanut Butter" said David as he looked to where he was heading.

"That must be how the Peanut Butter Prison works" added Aaron omniously. "It has a mental hold on the prisoners, as well as the physical structure that surrounds them. You know, that means..." Aaron started having an existential conversation that went on whether or not anyone was listening.

David came back from looking over the top of the hill, excited he told Nick "We're here! And you'll never guess who's solely guarding the front gate!"

Nick smiled and already knew who they'd have to best in the fortress known as the Peanut Butter Prison. He spoke two names, whose combination assured Black Arches that they were going to have to endure an annoying and mediocre entity. "Chris Martin" said Nick blankly.

David sighed, "yeah, you got it. I'm hoping he doesn't have Gwyneth Paltrow patrolling the skies."

"I heard she hurls the demon offspring of her and Chris Martin at people on the ground," added Nick.

Jayson was still red from laughing, but his facial expression conveyed only horror. "mfftfffpppff," said Jayson with his mouth full again.

"Yeah, I agree" said David.

They knew, s*%$ just got real.

This entry was posted on Wednesday, September 8, 2010 at Wednesday, September 08, 2010 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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