Posted by SamuelMarston

Lately, things have been good.

Ilko Marston and I have been having some victories in League of Legends now that we know our characters a little better, and can communicate freely in the same room. I imagine that if five players were all in the same room coordinating, they would be unstoppable. Well, nearly unstoppable.

Let me introduce you to Rammus the Armordillo.

He's a mutant Armadillo, packed to the brim with spikes. He does enough damage to the other team that they can't ignore him, and boy can he soak up the damage. If I've got someone with me, our enemy will not survive the fight. It's beautiful when it works, and it's less frustrating when it doesn't.

Also, in Etrian Odyssey, I'm approaching the end of the story. This is really a long time coming, since I've been playing the game off and on for about three years. I haven't decided yet if I'd like to try for the bonus content before jumping into the second game. I suppose if I don't REALLY finish the game, it's always going to be sitting there waiting for me. I'll think it over. The third game is coming out in September, and it would really be nice to move into chapter two sometime soon to see what the new content is like.

Oh yeah, hopefully soon I'll start getting some pictures up on this thing as well. I'll try to make that retroactive, so all of my posts are bearable.

The League of Casual Legends  

Posted by SamuelMarston in

Do you play League of Legends?

If you don't but you're interested, there is a link at the top of my blog that will take you where you need to go.

League of Legends is a free to play competitive game that functions like a role playing game, but flows like a sport. Players are divided into teams, that control their champions on the playing field. The two teams compete to try to destroy the other team's base first. There are some intricacies thrown in for depth of play, but that really is the gist of it, and most of all: It's very fun.

Now, if you do play LoL already, you're probably saying to yourself something that goes like this:
"Samuel, I have played League of Legends, and I was soundly schooled by 10 year olds who beat me silly and then insulted my mother."

Friend, I feel your pain. I've been there. After a long day at work, I come home and hope to unwind a little, only to have this free to play game strung around my neck and yanked. No one likes being humiliated. Well, no one that I'm addressing at the moment.

It is in this spirit that I have created the League of Casual Legends. A group that is meant to be a safe haven for kindred casual spirits. We would really like to enjoy the game too, but don't have hundreds of hours a week to dedicate to mastering this GAME. Some of us have jobs. Some of us are students. Some of us have kids. Some of us are all of the above, and probably can't explain why they are still breathing.

We don't care where you've been. We don't care how many losses you have on your record. You're welcome. Come on in. We'll be playing with Champions that the general community have already decided are worthless.


Because we're having fun. We aren't playing to win. We're playing to enjoy ourselves.

When did video games start being such serious business?


Posted by SamuelMarston

I suppose I should begin this blog with something of an introduction.

When I write, I'm known as Samuel Marston. I enjoy writing and playing video games, so I thought that a blog that touches on the subject would be something that I would enjoy.

It's a matter of self improvement. I'm inconsistent in some things. Specifically, I'm inconsistent in goal setting. If I decide that I'm going to start jogging for my health, I'll run consistently for a week, then stop. I'll have all kinds of fervor for something in the beginning, and then I'll grow disinterested. This blog is an attempt to turn that around.

My goal is to update this blog twice a week.

I'm hoping that this will help me to create some good habits in goal setting and, more than the setting of goals, hopefully, completing goals.